Oughterside Wombles
During Summer 2021, following a walk around the village, our KS2 children made a note of areas they loved in the village and areas they would like to change.
One of the outcomes of this was the fact they seen lots of litter on the walk which they felt spoiled the area. They were eager to do something about this and we purchased some litter pickers in school.
Following a litter pick in both KS2 classes, the children created posters and we had a p4c session about whether everything we drop is litter. Some of the children felt dropping orange peel etc wasn’t classed as littering. We later researched this and made posters to pop around the village and school.
This year the children were eager for a weekly litter pick club so we tackle different areas in the village every week. The children have tallied up the rubbish we have been finding and the school council are going to write an article about it for the village newsletter.
We will be pausing the litter picking next half term due to weather but will continue with the club in the Spring.